American Amino Acids Federation

Fighting For the American Amino Acids Industry

Amino acids are a critical element of the U.S. food supply chain. Amino acids are present in virtually all foods we eat, such as vegetables, fish, meat, milk, and eggs.
Jars of pickled food.

The impact of unfairly sudsidized Chinese imports on the U.S. amino acids industry would:

destroy nearly

American Jobs

reduce American GDP by

$ 0 B
Billion a Year


Amino acids are a critical element of the U.S. food supply chain. Amino acids are present in the food we eat such as fish, pork, and poultry.

In recent years, China has been selling subsidized amino acids in the United States at a discount to prices offered by American producers. This unfair trade in amino acids has grave consequences for American agriculture. A recent study by the University of Wisconsin estimates that the demise of the U.S. amino acid industry due to unfair Chinese subsidized imports would destroy nearly 30,000 American jobs and reduce American GDP by $15 billion a year.

Washington must rectify this situation.

Three Members of Congress Call for Further Tariffs on Chinese Amino Acids

Sens. Chuck Grassley and Joni K. Ernst and Rep. Randy Feenstra wrote to U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai, addressing the threat of Chinese amino acids to U.S. food security. “Unchallenged Chinese control in our domestic amino acids industry will put our food supply chain at risk. We ask that you use the full weight and power of your office to protect the American amino acids industry by maintaining Section 301 tariffs on existing amino acids imports from China, and expanding these tariffs to include lysine and threonine.”

Joe Biden-Xi Jinping Virtual Summit Was Important for Iowa

The stakes are high. China’s domination of our amino acid industry chain would allow Beijing to control a critical component of the U.S. food supply chain.
As former Agriculture Secretary Mike Espy writes in the Des Moines Register,
“It is critical that we do not allow the Chinese to expand their dominance of the amino acids industry.”
The Hill inline

We cannot allow China’s assault on America’s farmland to continue

One of the clearest dangers China poses is its effort to use agricultural policies to threaten U.S. national security and our food supplies. By 2021, China had purchased about 384,000 acres of American farmland, according to a report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The value of Chinese-owned U.S. farmland in 2010 was $81 million; by 2020, China had acquired so much more U.S. farmland, that figure had risen to $1.8 billion.

Former House of Representatives Intelligence Committee Chairman Silvestre Reyes writes:

“The Chinese threat to U.S. food security and national security is unmistakable. China’s purchases of American farmland and dumping of subsidized amino acids into the U.S. market cannot continue, and I encourage the Biden administration and Congress to work together in a bipartisan fashion to safeguard our nation.”

Use Farm Bill to Counter Chinese Aggression

This year’s farm bill is an opportunity to strengthen our domestic agriculture industry by helping the current and future Administrations consider the security of our nation’s food and agriculture systems as a factor when determining to act to block foreign investment – especially from China.

Former U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Mike Espy writes:

“The upcoming farm bill is also an opportunity to strengthen our domestic agriculture industry. I would urge the President to consider adding the Secretaries of Agriculture and Health and Human Services as members of the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), which reviews the sale of critical infrastructure to foreign entities.”

Amino Acids

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